Monday, September 22, 2014

Another week in the Mission!

This is our Zone:)

Hello Hello!

Another week has flown by and everything continues to be good here in the mish. I wish fall was coming like it is at home, but it just continues to be the same old same old here. I feel like I am just getting so used to life in the mission that nothing really seems new to me and exciting to tell you guys. haha. 

We finished last Monday off with some good Independence day parties. haha No just 1 and they gave us pozole and chiles nogadas (chiles stuffed with goodness with a nut sauce and pomegranate). I haven't really suffered with shin splints here in the mission like I did before but Monday night I couldn't keep on my feet they cuz my legs hurt so bad. Pdays are so much more tiring than the other days. haha.

We did divisions with some Elders in the zone this week. I went to one of the areas in our zone and it was good, the big Bascilica of Guadalupe (we went there a long time ago-y'all have pics) is in their area.  The house that those Elderes live in is awful, cockroaches everywhere, washing dishes in the bathroom sink, no windows, so it was pleasant. I'm too adjusted to my house, I'm not ever gonna want to leave. haha 

This week we had a zone conference. (see pic) Us and the zone Aragon were together and the conference was super good. As zone leaders we had to teach a part of the conference and the rest was by President and the assistants. I thought it really went well, after leaving conferences like that I always have more desires to work and be better. I hope my zone felt the same. haha. 

Our numbers were really great this week and I was proud of that. (the zone not so much). We found 10 new investigators so I have high hopes for them. The best of all of them was a lady named Martha and her 3 kids. We had a super great first lesson with them. She asked us why we were different from all the rest and after we taught her the restoration she said she understood perfectly why we are different from all the rest. I felt really happy and pleased to find that family, because I could see in their eyes that the Lord had been preparing them for a long time, and that they are ready to accept the message of the gospel. 

Sunday was alright, I got kinda mad in church though. We had lots of new investigators in church, and in one of the classes the class was about death and what we need to do to prepare and a whole bunch of things that I didn't feel were appropriate to talk about in church. We go to learn about the gospel not that, I could tell that the investigators didn't like what was going on, and I even got up and tried to help the investigators understand what it had to do with the gospel, and tried to steer the lesson on a good path. A few members even thanked me afterwards. 

Our baptism fell through, because she couldn't get all her papers ready for the wedding, so this week were gonna get it all ready, but she is going to be baptized the 5 of October. This next Sunday we are gonna baptize Elisa though which should be really great.

Today was a bit crazy because we had our zone activity! Elgan style. The activities from what I have heard have been really lame here so I tried to change things up. My comp didn't help much, I basically did it all but its all good. We did another mission Olympics like we did in Industrial, but I changed the events, and made new ones. It was really fun. And for food I wanted to do something different because all the zones always eat tacos, or carne asada, so I changed things up and made crepes and french toast :) President and Sister Anaya even showed up. haha The assistants were there as well. President said he loved the activity and the games we did. Boo yah. 

But that about does it for my week. Sounds like everything is going really well at home, Dad I hope that you continue to feel better. I hope everything goes well with Jessica and Brandon's baby.  Umm. . well I love you all and have a super great week!!

Love Elder Elgan :D

Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy Mexican Independence Day!

The taco's I threw up!

Me and Rodriguez on divisions

Happy Monday! Today is Mexico's independence day and its pretty cray cray. Them Mexicans sure like to party. haha I'm glad it is pday so that we didn't have to work too much on the holiday, but they give everybody off work and school tomorrow to get over the hangover so tomorrow might be a bit difficult. haha. 

This week was super good! Flew by. I am getting used to my area, companion, and all that fun stuff. I really like my area and zone so I am looking forward to the next 6 months here. haha The work is going really good here we have lots of baptisms coming up. We had one every week for the next 5 weeks, but a couple didn't go to church on Sunday so we gonna need to change a few. But for sure the next 2 weeks. One is named Bianca and the Elders have been teaching her for about a year and haven't been able to baptize here but we finally got her ready, and is ready for this Sunday. She has to get married this week though cuz she is living with her luvy buddy but that should all be taken care of by Wednesday. Another investigator that we have is named Elisa and she is super excited for her baptism in 2 weeks. I don't think I have had anyone so excited for a baptism before so that is awesome. We are really working hard to baptize every week so that we can put the example that it can be done for the zone. 

The good news about being zone leader is that we have divisions with the assistants, which means with Elder Rodriguez. haha. Wednesday he came to my area and we worked all day. It was so fun and awesome to work with such a great friend it just makes mission work fun. (not that it isn't without a good friend ha) The only bad thing was that he wanted to buy tacos before we went home at night, super good, but at about 3 in the morning I threw them all up. blah. The first time I have thrown up in the mission. Those tacos didn't fall too well with me. But its all good the next day some members bought us tacos again and it was all back to normal. :) 

Me and Rodriguez had a really cool teaching experience. We found and were teaching a husband/wife combo who have been Christians their whole life. But when we taught them about the restoration and they said that they felt a new spirit that they had not  felt for many years, and want to come to church and be baptized :) So that was cool. 

Friday our ward had their "Mexican Night" activity for Independence day. It was really fun. The sisters of the ward did all sorts of traditional Mexican dances that were quite festive to say the least. They had all the traditional Mexican food that we didn't get to eat because we had to be in our house at 9:30. But its all good. This time of year they eat lots of pozole, corn on the cob (Mexican style), tacos of course, and tequila. There's nothing like a nice shot of tequila after a long day of work :)

Today was a pretty crazy pday. We got up, washed the clothes and the house. Then we met up with the assistants and went to the zone activity of another zone. I felt like I was cheating on my zone but oh well. But we were only there for a bit cuz Elder Rodriguez and I had planned on going to look for new suits cuz we both need them. So we did divisions and we went to a place called Plaza Aragon. Ít is out in the state of Mexico. (outside of the distrito federal) about half of the mission is in the state of Mexico but I had never gone. It is a lot uglier and more dangerous. But it has one good mall. So we went and shopped suits. And we both found some good ones. The first one that I picked out of course being me was the most expensive in the whole store haha but later I found one I liked a lot, half the price, with a shirt and tie. Done and done. Its pretty cool, Its also Italian like my other one, but its light gray. I'm gonna try to get my other suit pants fixed, but it was a need to get another one. haha. I'll send a pic next week. Then we came back to find our comps but they were in internet so we also came and started to write. So we need to finish up, go to Walmart, and then we have some appointments and some pozole Independence day parties lined up. haha so its all good. 

Glad to hear that everything is going good at home, Dad I'm glad that you are doing good, I hope you get better soon, and meanwhile Josh can do all the chores and projects. :) I wish it was fall here but its all just the same. The nights are getting a little bit colder though. And I wish I could just turn on the furnace but that doesn't exist here. haha. 

But that about does it. I love you all tons and hope you have a super great week!

Love Elder Elgan

Monday, September 8, 2014

Big Changes!

Hello Dearest Everybody,

Well it has been a pretty crazy week! It flew by with all the changes and what not. But the big news is that now I am a zone leader for the Zone Estrella! My area is called Victoria and it is a whopping 5 minutes away from my old area in Industrial. haha. Martin Carrera (my first area) is in my zone now. So I have basically been in the same place my whole mission. haha. My companion is Elder Chacón and he is from Chihuahua Mexico. He is really cool, we get along great. I like the new area a lot, its similar to my area in industrial. But the good news is that my house is a mansion! Its huge. And nice. I'm loving it. I haven't taken pics yet but next week I'll get them to y'all. Its actually a house, not just an apartment, and a member lives below and we live above. For once I actually have a kitchen with stove/oven and all, and nice clean bathroom (2 actually) and many more luxuries. Zone leader life I guess. haha

This week was crazy because almost everyday we had meetings and trainings. Tuesday was changes, Thursday we had a training with all ZLs and DLs and Friday an even longer meeting with just the Zls. Saturday we had a zone class that we taught. We have a pretty good zone, there are some missionaries that I wish weren't in the zone because they don't work but we are working with them and its all good. Sunday was good I got to know the ward a little bit better. Its weird to not be sharing a ward anymore. 

In the Zl meeting with president we mainly talked about how now the church has changed some things with preach my gospel and we have to teach the lesson 5 (laws and ordinances) before baptism. At first I was like ok whatever no big deal, but the more we talked about it the more important I realized it is. If our converts get baptized, but don't continue in the gospel with the ordinances it requires (priesthood, temple, etc) then there baptism doesn't do any good. It made me realize the importance of the ordinances in the gospel and that I want my converts to have eternal life (with me of course), something that only comes through making and keeping convenants through the ordinances. 

We have lots of good goals and plans for this zone this cycle. A goal we put with our zone is that we are all going to put 2 new baptismal dates everyday. And once again the Lord showed me that when we set a goal, and are determined to achieve it, he will prepare the way. Since the class me and Elder Chacon have put 2 or 3 new dates every day. We have been contacting a lot in this area and found lots of new investigators. I have high hopes for our area and zone this cycle :). 

Today was a pretty good day, much needed. haha We woke up, cleaned the house (which takes about 5x the time in this mansion we have), and washed our clothes. For the first time here in Mexico I am washing my own clothes instead of the laundry place (cant remember how to say it in English. . ) because our house has a washing machine. It takes a bit longer but I'll be good. We had to go to the the mission offices, then we went to Walmart. I still go to the same Walmart as I did in Industrial and in Carerra. haha. Oh and I bought some new shoes. My black shoes were done for. They were just falling apart so I bought new ones. (bought it on the credit card mother :)). Then we went back to the house and made some food before coming here to write. 

Well that about does it for me this week! So . . Dad! What the heck. . you just about died, that's just not good. Your crash sounded like it was super scary and painful! What a way to celebrate your last year in Lotoja. I hope your ok! I hope everything goes well in the surgery and what not so that you can get recovered and back into shape fast. You re in my prayers. On a happier note, sounds like everyone is back into school mode. Ha love hearing Max's comments about school, I think I felt the same way. haha. 

But that should just about do it. Loved hearing from you all, love you all tons, and have a super great week! 

Love Elder Elgan

Monday, September 1, 2014

¡Feliz Septiembre!

Hector's baptism

Bowling in Buenavista

Some city shots from the Forum Buenavista mall, about 10 minutes from my area

Hello everybody!!

Well it has been a SUPER great week. One of the best so far. Mainly for all the work we had. It was crazy we were running all over the place everyday. Of the 53 lessons we taught, 43 were set appointments. I think that was a record. Every night in planning all the days were already planned for us. haha.

Well the big news is. . Tomorrow I have changes! Ah! President Anaya called me on Thursday to tell me. Normally we don't know until Monday night, but I got special treatment so I've known since Thursday. I'm really nervous about actually. I feel like I will have this next area and only 1 more in the mission. This week I have learned that we really grow to love the people and area's that we serve. I remember getting here and not wanting to be in this area. I wanted to go back to my first area. But now I really don't want to leave. I have grown to love this area and many people here. That's what happens when you serve I guess. Whatever happens will be for the best, but changes are always a little bit difficult having to change and get use to a new area. Wish me luck with that.

Sunday we had Hectors baptism! It was super good. It was so good to see him get baptized. I love those moments when I get to hear a new converts testimony. He was a little bit difficult at first, but now I can see that he is definitely converted to this gospel.

Everything is going good with our investigators. Next Sunday we (well I wont be here) will baptize Elvira. She has so many family problems and her husband is something special and its pretty sad. She had thought about suicide many times and had said that she needs a different way of life. That was when we contacted her in the street. I really wish I could be here for her baptism but that's ok I just hope my new area will have baptisms lined up. Probably not. haha.

There is a guy here named Erick Robinson that we have grown pretty close to. All his family are members but not actives. He wants to serve a mission but his mom won't let him, at least not yet. It really made me so glad and grateful that I have the support of all you guys, because if I didn't, who knows if I would make it. haha.

Sunday was crazy with the baptism and all, the lady we ate with took way to long and by the time we left it was pouring rain and had to wait it out a little bit. We even had to change and miss appointments. We got 2 family nights in and both families were crying that I was gonna leave. haha they said they were gonna protest so that I could stay. I'm in. haha.

Today was a good, very full pday. We woke up, cleaned, went to Walmart, went to Buenavista with Elder Murphy to go bowling, wrote letters to my converts here, and came to write. It was a little stressful but a really good day. Now I'm gonna have to go and get everything ready for changes, after we work of course.

Sounds like everything is good at home, Labor Day looked fun. I miss it but hey 11 months from today I'll be home :) Good luck with Lotoja Dad! The garden/greenhouse project sounds fun. Your next project should be converting the guestroom into a nice guestroom and not a storage room for all my friends that are gonna come visit me :) oh and for Britt and the rest of the fam too of course. haha E. Rodriguez told me to tell you thanks so much for the photo.

Well that about does it for me. Have a great week, love you all, and next week I will be in a new area! ah!

Con mucho Amor,
Elder Elgan